Regional Customs
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Home > Export/Import > Customs Answer(FAQ) > 7201 Customs Procedures at Departure (FAQ)

7201 Customs Procedures at Departure (FAQ)

Passengers are required to complete customs procedures when they leave Japan.


 ○Flow of each procedure to board
     Check-in→Security Check→Customs→Immigration→Departure

(1)When passengers carry out foreign-made goods or cash they must fill out the forms below forms and submit them to the customs officers at airports.

Main Customs
Forms, etc. number
of copies
Goods such as
for Carrying
e Goods
one copy Procedures for
Carrying out
7202: Foreign-made Goods
Carrying out an
amount equivalent
to 1,000,000 yen in
cash, etc.
of Carrying
of Means of
one copy 7305:Export/Import
of Means of
Payment, etc.

・The " Registration for Carrying out Foreign-made Goods " and " Declaration of Carrying of Means of Payment " are available at customs inspection area at airports.

・Passengers carrying foreign products and duty-free export items are required to have them checked by Customs before departure. If passengers check in these items, please make contacts with customs before leaving them.

・When commercial cargo or high-value items are taken out of the country, passenger can be required to complete procedures for trade cargo, not for personal effects.

(2) When non-residents purchase duty-free goods, they must show their passport or other documents to the customs office to export them when leaving the country.
For details on tax exemption procedures, please refer to the website of the National Tax Agency.

Please see below for information on prohibited and restricted exports.
Goods with Prohibitions, Controls and Restrictions
7304: Export/Import Procedures of Accompanied Hunting Guns (FAQ)

  Baggage to be exported will be inspected as necessary.

For consultations on customs procedures, please contact the nearest Customs Counselor.
Please see No. 9301 for inquiries.