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Glossary - Trade Statistics of Japan

  1. "Provisional", "Detailed", "Revised" and "Fixed"
  2. Statistical Code
  3. "Commodity" and "Principal Commodity"
  4. Quantity1, Quantity2


  1. "Provisional", "Detailed", "Revised" and "Fixed"
    [Note] This is just the explanation of the current method. The method may be changed without any precaution.

    In order to provide as accurate statistics as possible, we conduct the correcting process.

    (1) Provisional
    "Provisional" version is made at the first deadline of the monthly regular correcting process.

    (2) 9-digit Provisional of imports and Detailed of exports
    These versions are made at the end of the regular monthly process.

    (3) Detailed of imports
    "Detailed" version of imports is issued one month after the "9-digit Provisional" version. This is mainly for items cleared using the simplified import clearance procedures.

    (4) Revised
    In March of the following year, we correct the mistakes reported after the monthly regular correcting process and issue "Revised" version.

    (5) Fixed
    In November of the following year, we correct the mistakes reported after issuing "Revised" version and issue "Fixed" version. Afterwards, we will not change the statistics even if mistakes of the declarations are found.

    In this website, release of the later version is done by the replacement of the whole data. The following table indicates the timing of the replacement. The exact dates are shown in Calendar of Release Dates.

  2. Statistical Code

    The 9-digit statistical codes are used for commodity classification in customs declarations in Japan. Please see Code Lists.

    If a statistical code contains alphabet letters such as “X”, the code is prepared for confidentiality with lower number of its original code replaced with alphabet letters.

    The initial 2-digit of code is unchanged from the original code which coincides chapter number of HS codes.

    The confidentiality is only applied to the cases, based on exporters/importers’ application, that some transactions could be identified when export/import data of specific commodity would be published.

  3. "Commodity" and "Principal Commodity"

    "Commodity" means the item classified based on the 9-digit statistical codes, and the statistics by "Commodity" are the most detailed data.

    "Principal Commodity" means the item grouped with the same kinds/types of several 9-digit commodities, and is used in publications of the Trade Statistics in order to grasp the outline of trade.

  4. Quantity1, Quantity2

    For some items (e.g. ship), two kinds of quantities (e.g. number and gross tons) as "Quantity1" and "Quantity2" are required to be filed in customs declarations in Japan. The units of "Quantity1" and "Quantity2" are indicated by "Unit1" and "Unit2" respectively. In the case that the items call for one kind of quantity for their customs declarations, only Quantity2 and Unit2 are filled in Trade Statistics while Quantity1 and Unit1 remain blank.