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Home > Export/Import > Customs Answer(FAQ) > 9104 Overview of Customs Brokers (FAQ)

9104 Overview of Customs Brokers (FAQ)

   As of April 1 2024, there are 996 customs brokers and 2,044 operation offices. Most of them operate harbor transport businesses, road transport businesses, ocean transport businesses, and/or warehouse businesses, besides customs brokerage services.

Change in the Number of Customs Brokers

Number of Customs brokers
Number of Operation Offices
2015 921 2,142
2016 922 2,131
2017 932 2,131
2018 932 2,089
2019 954 2,092
2020 955 2,065
2021 970 2,062
2022 974 2,063
2023 982 2,049
2024 996 2,044

  (As of April 1 of each year)

Number of Operation Offices by Customs

Number of Operation Offices
Hakodate 94
Tokyo 460
Yokohama 319
Nagoya 223
Osaka 364
Kobe 271
Moji 226
Nagasaki 57
Okinawa 30
Total 2,044

(As of April 1, 2024)

For consultations on customs procedures, please contact the nearest Customs Counselor.
Please see No. 9301 for inquiries.