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Home > Export/Import > Customs Answer(FAQ) > 4050: Elimination of Tariff on Imported Goods under Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement(FAQ)

4050: Elimination of Tariff on Imported Goods under Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement(FAQ)

Japan is to either eliminate or reduce tariffs (concessions) in line with the schedule described in Annex 2-A of the Japan-EU EPA. Categories of concession such as tariff elimination, tariff reduction and tariff rate quota, etc. are prescribed in the “Notes for the Schedule of Japan” of Section A of Part 3 of Annex 2-A(Reference).

(Reference: Notes for the Schedule of Japan)

CategoryDescriptionExamples of products


Tariff elimination as from the date of entry into force of the EPAChemical products, Fiber products, Wine


Tariff elimination by gradual tariff reduction on a yearly basis in “n+1” phase from the base rate
n = 3,5,7,8,9,10,12,13,15,20
(First reduction: Date of entry into force)
(Subsequent reduction: April 1 of each year)
Fishery products, Forestry products


Tariff reduction under conditionsBeef, Pork


Tariff rate quotaMalt, Cocoa powder, Soft cheese


Excluded from any commitment and remain at the base rate

Sea algae


Excluded from any commitment and tariff rate quotas are set out in Japan’s schedule to the WTO Agreement

Leather, Footwear (Note: Tariffs on these products classified under the tariff lines outside of the tariff rate quotas will be eliminated.)


Excluded from any commitment and tariff rate quotas are set out by relevant cabinet orders of Japan

Part of Dairy product


Excluded from any commitment


※For Schedule of Japan, refer to Section A of Part 3 of Annex2-A (Japanese)

※For Schedule of the EU, refer to Section A of Part 2 of Annex2-A (English)


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