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Home > Export/Import > Customs Answer(FAQ) > 4023 Elimination of Tariffs on Imported Goods under the AJCEP Agreement

4023 Elimination of Tariffs on Imported Goods under the AJCEP Agreement

Japan is to eliminate tariffs (concessions) in line with the schedule described in Part 12, Annex 1 of the Agreement, for goods of other signatory nations that satisfy the rules of origin stipulated in the Agreement. The categories of concession such as immediate tariff elimination, gradual tariff elimination or reduction, tariff quota are prescribed in "Notes for Schedule of Japan" in Section 1 Part 12, Annex 1 (Reference 1). Also, the detailed tariff reduction classification is prescribed in "Notes for Schedule of Japan" in Section 1, Part 12, Annex I (Reference 2).

(Reference 1)
Table 4 columnDescriptionNotes
ATariff elimination on the date of EPA enforcementItems for immediate tariff elimination (examples: Durians, prawn, processed prawn products, etc.)
BnUniform tariff reduction on a yearly basis in “n+1” phases from the base dateItems for tariff reduction & elimination in phases
(Examples: Salted eggplants, processed curry products, jellyfish, etc.)F
irst reduction: date of the EPA enforcement
Subsequent reduction: April 1 of each year
CApplication of standard tariff rate at enforcement of the AgreementChocolate and certain other processed foods containing cocoa, etc.
RNote in column 5 of the Schedule for JapanProcessed chicken products, laminated boards (boards made of tropical timber with tariff rates of 6% and 8.5%), etc.
XExemption from tariff elimination or reductionExemption items (examples: Wheat, processed wheat products, dairy products, beef, pork, chicken, sugar and processed sugar products, starch, pineapple (including canned products), laminated boards (made of tropical timber with tariff rate of 10% and those made of non-tropical timber), bonito & tuna, marine IQ items, etc.)
(Reference 2)
Table 5 columnDescription
(a)∼(x)Tariff reduction from 3.8% to 20% through uniform annual reduction over 11 or 8 steps.
(y)Tariff reduction through uniform annual reduction over 11 steps, from "¥24 per kilogram" to "¥12 per kilogram."
(z)Tariff reduction through uniform annual reduction over 11 steps, from "¥8.50 per kilogram" to "¥4.20 per kilogram."
(aa)Tariff reduction for up to “the difference between the customs value per kilogram and ¥73.70 (the appropriate ad valorem duty rate, if the rate is higher than 5.0%).”
(bb)Tariff reduction to “9.3% (or the relevant specific duty rate, if the rate is lower than that for value of ¥7.19 per kilogram)” up to the 11th year

Provisions regarding tariff concessions between Japan and ASEAN

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