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Home > Export/Import > Customs Answer(FAQ) > 7104 Import Customs Clearance for Traveler’s Baggage(FAQ)

7104 Import Customs Clearance for Traveler’s Baggage(FAQ)

  The Import Customs Clearance for Traveler’s Baggage is a simplified customs clearance procedure for the Passenger's accompanied or unaccompanied baggage within a certain scope.
The scope is as follows, and if the scope is exceeded, general customs clearance is required.

(1) Personal effects
Personal effects are defined as clothing, books, cosmetics, personal ornaments, and other goods intended for personal use and deemed necessary.
Souvenirs, etc. are also recognized as “traveler’s baggage” within a certain scope, which is up to three pieces per item in principle, and in the case of more than three pieces, the customs value of the items is not more than about 300,000 yen. The scope also includes unaccompanied articles.

(2) Professional equipment
Professional equipment means goods intended for and deemed necessary for use in the person's occupation.

(3) Household effects
Household effects means goods that are provided and deemed necessary for the individual and his/her family to set up and maintain a dwelling.

(4) Consigned articles
Consigned articles are defined as goods entrusted to a captain, pilot or entrant for importation, which are intended for personal use, have a customs value of 300,000 yen or less, promotional printed matter sent free of charge, or samples of goods for collecting orders with a customs value not exceeding 200,000 yen.

(Article 14 of Customs Tariff Act, General Notification 67-4-9 of Customs Law, Article 14 and appended table 2 of Import Trade Control Order)

For consultations on customs procedures, please contact the nearest Customs Counselor.
Please see No. 9301 for inquiries.