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Home > Export/Import > Customs Answer(FAQ) > 9007 For Overseas Tourists (Plant Protection)

9007 For Overseas Tourists (Plant Protection)

《Plant Quarantine Service》

  Plants quarantine services aims at protecting Japanese greenery and agriculture from the infiltration of quarantine pests from abroad.

  If pests ever enter Japanese territory they may cause irrecoverable damage.

  We ask for your cooperation in plant protection.

《Bringing Plants from Overseas》

  All plants and other related products are subject to plant quarantine.

  Plants are classified into the following two categories:

    • Import-banned items (cannot be brought into Japan)

  In order to prevent quarantine pests from entering into Japan, which could cause serious damage to crops, importation of plant pathogens, pests, and soils is prohibited.

    • Items subject to quarantine (can be brought into Japan after passing inspection)

  The plant items other than import-banned are inspected upon entry. The inspections include inspections to verify that no pests are present and to confirm the appropriate quarantine conditions.

《When Taking Plants Outside Japan》

  Plant quarantine is carried out in other countries, as in Japan. Various phytosanitary requirements of importing countries include Entry Prohibited, Entry Restricted, Inspection Required, Disinfections required, etc. For details, please contact the nearest Plant Protection Station.

Yokohama Plant Protection StationTel: 045-211-7155
Sapporo BranchTel: 011-852-1809
Shiogama BranchTel: 022-362-6916
Niigata BranchTel: 025-244-4401
Narita Branch (Narita Airport) 
1st PTBTel: 0476-32-6694
2nd PTBTel: 0476-34-2352
Haneda Airport BranchTel: 03-5757-9790
Tokyo BranchTel: 03-3599-1139
Nagoya Plant Protection StationTel: 052-651-0114
Chubu Airport BranchTel: 0569-38-8433
Fushiki-Toyama BranchTel: 0766-44-0954
Shimizu BranchTel: 054-352-3775
Kobe Plant Protection StationTel: 078-331-2384
Kansai Airport BranchTel: 072-455-1936
Osaka BranchTel: 06-6571-0801
Hiroshima BranchTel: 082-251-5881
Sakate BranchTel: 0877-46-4108
Moji Plant Protection StationTel: 093-321-2809
Fukuoka BranchTel: 092-291-2504
Fukuoka Airport BranchTel: 092-477-7575
Kagoshima BranchTel: 099-222-1046
Kagoshima Airport BranchTel: 0995-58-2428
Naze BranchTel: 0997-52-0459
Naha Plant Protection StationTel: 098-868-1679
Naha Airport BranchTel: 098-857-0054

Website of the Plant Protection Station


For consultations on customs procedures, please contact the nearest Customs Counselor.
Please see No. 9301 for inquiries.