Trade Statistics


Value of Exports and Imports May.2008
(First 20 Days Provisional)


Total(Census,not seasonally adjusted)

(Unit:Millions of YEN,%)

  May.2008 May.2007 Percent Change
Exports 3,747,488 3,785,444 -1.0
Imports 4,166,030 3,826,988 8.9
Balance -418,542 -41,544 907.5


  1. The value of exports is based upon the F.O.B. value, while the value of imports is based upon the C.I.F. value. (The value of goods, which was imported by the Simplified Declaration Procedure, but not declared for duty payment yet, is based upon the value submitted at the declaration for release of goods.)
  2. Statistical timing - Exports : Entry is made in the month within which falls the date when a ship or aircraft loading the goods concerned leaves a Japanese port. - Imports : Entry is made in the month within which falls the date of the import permit.
  3. "Percent Change" means "Percent Change from the same term in the preceding year."

Questions should be referred to :
Trade Statistics Section
Post Clearance Audit,Investigation and Intelligence Division
Customs and Tariff Bureau
Ministry of Finance
Phone +81-3-3581-4111 Ex. 2518, 2515, 2514
(Sorry, we don't provide statistical data over the telephone to avoid miscommunication. )

Jun.06.2008 Release


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