Regional Customs
  • Hakodate
  • Tokyo
  • Yokohama
  • Nagoya
  • Osaka
  • Kobe
  • Moji
  • Nagasaki
  • Okinawa

Import License

The postal parcel addressed to you is temporarily being held at Japan Post Co.,Ltd. Tokyo International Branch because your parcel contains an item that is subject of Import Trade Order.  Please consult the following office and confirm all the necessary documents to prepare to mport the item in question, and inform Customs about the result of your consultation. 


Trade License Division,


Trade Control Department,


Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau,


Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI),


Tel: 03-3501-1511


If you need to submit Import License (I/L) 


Ø        If you can obtain the I/L, please fill in and mail the returnable postcard (located at the bottom of the arrival notice) with your name, address and telephone number (where you can be reached between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays).  When you return the above-mentioned postcard, please remember to enclose the original copy of the I/L, an envelope, and relevant postal stamp for return mail (The enclosed document will be returned to you by mail).


Ø        If you cannot obtain the I/L, you cannot import the item into Japan.  In this case, you have two alternatives for the disposition of the item: to have all the contents of the parcel returned to sender or to voluntarily abandon the item in question and import the rest of the contents.


²       If you decided to return the parcel


Please fill in and mail the returnable post card (located at the bottom of the arrival notice) with your name, address and telephone number (where you can be reached between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays), and write clearly that you cannot obtain the I/L.  In the post card please write clearly that you wish to send the parcel back to the sender.  In this case, you cannot divide the package into two: what you can bring and what you cannot.


²       If you decided to abandon the item in question


Please fill in and mail the returnable post card (located at the bottom of the arrival notice) with your name, address and telephone number (where you can be reached between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays), and write clearly that you cannot obtain the I/L.  In the post card please write clearly that you wish to abandon the item you cannot get permission for.  Declaration for Abandonment of Articles will be delivered to you in return.  Please fill in and mail the Declaration for Abandonment of Articles and return it to Customs.  Then the rest of the contents of the parcel will be delivered to you.


If you do not need to submit I/L


If you don’t need to submit I/L, Please fill in and mail the returnable post card (located at the bottom of the arrival notice) with your name, address and telephone number (where you can be reached between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays), and write clearly the reason why you do not need to submit the I/L.