Regional Customs
  • Hakodate
  • Tokyo
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  • Nagasaki
  • Okinawa

Advance Rulings on Tariff Classification

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Notice: The words of singular and plural forms are recognized as different words.
Therefore, you are recommended to search both by words of singular and plural forms.

Search all items (name, statistical codes, description of the goods etc.) in the publically available information on advance rulings by keywords.

Please enter one or more keywords separated by spaces.
If you enter more than one keywords, please choose the search criterion.

Search only common name of the goods for keywords.

Please enter one or more keywords separated by spaces.
If you enter more than one keywords, please choose the search criterion.

Search only description of the goods for keywords.

Please enter one or more keywords separated by spaces.
If you enter more than one keywords, please choose the search criterion.

Search only statistical codes for keywords. Searchable by one code or range of codes.

Please specify the statistical codes with 2 to 9 digits.
If the entered code is less than 9 digits, it will be searched by prefix match.

Search only reference number for keywords. Searchable by one registration number or range of number.

Please enter the reference number by 9 digits.

Search only the date of issue.

Please enter the date of issue in the form YYYYMMDD (4 to 8 digits). The 4-digits, meaning year, is indispensable.
Please choose the search criterion (On and after/On/On and before).

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