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Home > Export/Import > Customs Answer(FAQ) > 4064 Overview of the Elimination or Reduction in Tariffs under the Japan-Peru EPA

4064 Overview of the Elimination or Reduction in Tariffs under the Japan-Peru EPA

Based on the Japan-Peru EPA, the tariff is scheduled to be eliminated approximately 99% of the value of the trade between the two countries (approximately 99% of exports from Japan and approximately 99% of imports from Peru) within 10 years from the entry into force of the agreement

Ⅰ.Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

1. Japan's key commitments

(a)Agricultural products

・Immediate tariff elimination: Asparagus (fresh)

・Gradual tariff elimination: Asparagus(processed), Oranges

・Tariff rate quota: Pork, Chicken, Maize(Confectionery・Non-alcoholic beverages)

(b)Forestry products

・Immediate tariff elimination: Wood products

(C)Fishery products

・Gradual tariff elimination: Jumbo flying squid

2.Peru's key commitments

・Immediate tariff elimination: Seishu

・Gradual tariff elimination: Apples, Persimmons, Pears, Green tea

Ⅱ.Mining and industrial products

1.Japan's key commitments

Almost all of the tariffs for mining and industrial products imported into Japan are eliminated immediately

2.Peru's key commitments

(a) Automobiles

・Gradual tariff elimination: Automobiles, Motorcycles

(b) Electrical machinery

・Immediate tariff elimination: Television, Blu-ray Disc recorder

・Gradual tariff elimination: Lithium iron batteries

(c) Iron and Steel

・Gradual tariff elimination: Iron bolts and nuts

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